
table of contents
(ns language.vocabulary.basic)


clojure's essential, basic vocabulary is pretty shockingly simple and short. appart from host interop loan words:


now clojure remembers it!

(def ine :something)

2) if:

(if true? :this :that)

3) do:

chain forms/tasks/expressions, returning the last

(do (println :task1)
    (println :task2)
    (println :task3))

4) let:

introduce local definitions

(let [x 1 y 2 z 3] (+ x y z))

5) quote:

this prevents evaluation, so you can use your code as data!

(quote (i wont run))
`(this does the same)

6) var:

with this you can get the namespaces symbol to anything passed!

(var name)

7) recur:

since the jvm doesnt have tail call elimination,

clojure wont try optimize that under the hood, so recursion must be explicit and structured so the compiler can check it.

cannot be used on it's own, like ne/pas in french, please se bellow

8) loop:

repeat stuff!

(loop [n 1]
  (when (< n 10)
    (println (str "for the " n "th time, we are not there yet!"))
    (recur (inc n))))

9) fn:


(fn [x y] (- y x))

we can have arity based dispatch,

delegate to another arity by name,

or destructure

even use rest pattern for varargs

(fn one-fn-to-rule-them-all
  ([] (one-fn-to-rule-them-all
       {:a "this works as"
        :b "default params"}))

  ([{:keys [a b c] :as m}] :yay-something)

  ([x y w & zs] :wow-much-things))

lambdas can be recursive on their own!

(fn [n]
  (if (zero? n)
    (println "launch!")
    (do (println "launching in" n "seconds...")
        (Thread/sleep 1000)
        (recur (dec n)))))

10) try


11) throw:

pretty standard, you can use plain java exceptions,

or create clojure-based ones

(try (/ 1 0)
     (catch Exception _
        (ex-info "you created a blackhole"
                 {:cause "you are bad at maths"}))))

believe it or not, that's it! all the other things are just functions and macros built upon those, or directly deal with java/js apis/interop

also, you may notice those dont look special at all: they follow the same shape as a normal function/macro call! lets jump into some idioms shall we?